This is the occupancy rate for hotels and ryokans based on the Big data that is used experimentally by a certain research institution in Japan. The period is from September 26 to November 30. the denominator is different, but If you look at this you can see the balance between capacity and demand of the accommodation business. In the case of these area, the disparity between busy days and non-busy days is very large because there is little inbound. the high rate of Ise is due to the increase in Ise Jingu worshipers due to the change and visiting of the Emperor. However, there are not many overflows to neighboring cities. I think that it will turn to a decreasing trend from next year, unless there is an increase factor. If an average of 50% or more is always required, refilling by inbound is necessary, because it will decrease rather than increase by the Tokyo Olympics.
To that end, the efforts of the local government are necessary because the corporate efforts of individual hotels are not enough. That is, it branding for foreigners.
By the way, also James Bond was came to Ise Jingu's Geku with Tiger Tanaka in Fleming’s novel, and he had Worship in disguise as a Japanese. 007 had-already-come-to-mie-prefecture_24.html
ちなみに、ジェームズ・ボンドもフレミングの小説でタイガー田中とともに伊勢神宮の外宮に来ており、彼は日本人に変装して参拝していた。 007 had-already-come-to-mie-prefecture_24.html
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Ian Fleming at Japan |
Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily occupancy rate (%)
Next, sales estimated value are as follows, but I don't disclose specific figures here. because there is a need for scrutiny. However, I think it turns out that it cannot be said that profitability is high by this intensity of the amplitude.
Within 5 km around Tsu Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Matsusaka Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Ise Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Futami Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Toba Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
Within 5 km around Kashikojima Station - daily sales estimated value (¥)
【2019年10月の国際収支】October's Balance of payments 2019
[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
Jan. 6,004
Feb. 26,768
Mar. 28,479
Apr. 17,074
May 15,948
Jun. 12,112
Jul. 19,999
Aug. 18.237
Sep. 16.129
Oct. 18,168
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade ○サービス収支 Services
Jan.▲9,448 Jan.▲1,512
Feb. 4,892 Feb. 2,366
Mar. 7,001 Mar. 3,451
Apr. ▲982 Apr.▲3,124
May ▲6,509 May 1,372
Jun. 7,593 Jun. 509
Jul. ▲745 Jul.▲2,299
Aug. 509 Aug. 233
Sep. 11 Sep. 401
Oct. 2,540 Oct. ▲995
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan.17,592 Jan. ▲428
Feb.20,145 Feb. ▲635
Mar.20,564 Mar.▲2,538
Apr.21,303 Apr. ▲120
May 22,574 May ▲1,488
Jun. 4,273 Jun. ▲263
Jul.23,899 Jul. ▲856
Aug.22,681 Aug.▲1,846
Sep.18,054 Sep.▲2,337
Oct.17,775 Oct.▲1,151
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport ○トラベル Travel
Jan. ▲833 Jan. 2.271
Feb. ▲864 Feb. 2,274
Mar. ▲689 Mar. 2,076
Apr. ▲826 Apr. 2,564
May ▲779 May 2,305
Jun. ▲539 Jun. 2,332
Jul. ▲865 Jul. 2,293
Aug. ▲760 Aug. 1,518
Sep. ▲621 Sep. 1,503
Oct. ▲685 Oct. 2,035
○その他サービス Other Services
Feb. 957
Mar. 2,064
May ▲154
Aug. ▲525
Sep. ▲480
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. ▲4 Jan. ▲515
Feb. ▲6 Feb. ▲500
Mar. 0 Mar. ▲412
Apr. ▲12 Apr. ▲571
May ▲23 May ▲427
Jun. ▲16 Jun. ▲267
Jul. ▲14 Jul. ▲413
Aug. ▲13 Aug. ▲451
Sep. ▲10 Sep. ▲219
Oct. ▲12 Oct. ▲262
○航空旅客 Air Passenger ○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. ▲409 Jan. 46
Feb. ▲407 Feb. 39
Mar. ▲356 Mar. 41
Apr. ▲363 Apr. 55
May ▲456 May 38
Jun. ▲375 Jun. 60
Jul. ▲599 Jul. 54
Aug. ▲383 Aug. 41
Sep. ▲442 Sep. 35
Oct. ▲484 Oct. 30
(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)
【11月のインバウンド】 November's Inbound
According to the JNTO press report on December 18, the number of foreign visitors to Japan (estimated) in November was 2,441,300, down 0.4% from the same month last year, it has been the third time year-on-year decrease since August. the reason is that the decline in the Korean market cannot be covered by the markets of other countries. As can be said to some media, at this level, it's too early to worry about overtourism. I think it is just an excuse that cannot be decentralized.
【日本の少子高齢化による急速な人口減少】Rapid population decline due to low birthrate and aging population in Japan
This is just, why Japanese regional cities need to earn foreign currency by inbound.
Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
a supporting member of UNWTO / APTEC
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"