
No.141『地域振興と観光産業 のかかわりについて2019』10月号"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development 2019" October Issue


【インターナショナル・ツーリズム・ハイライト2019版から】From the International Tourism Highlights 2019 Edition

 国連世界観光機関の『ツーリズム・ハイライト2019版』が、8月末、マドリードから発行された。正確には、今年からはタイトルが『インターナショナル・ツーリズム・ハイライト』で、アタマには『インターナショナル』が付いている。 また、リーフレットもA4タテ型からヨコ型へと変更され、レイアウトも変わった。グラフが増えたのはいい事である。今年もその一部を暫定的に訳してみた。

UNWTO's “Tourism Highlights 2019 Edition" was published from Madrid at the end of August. to be precise, from this year on, the title is “International Tourism Highlights 2019 Edition” with “International” in the crown. also the leaflet has been changed from A4 vertical to horizontal, and the layout has changed too. It is a good thing that the graph has increased. I translated some of it tentatively this year too.
First, from the UNWTO representative, it is said that the Driven by a relatively strong global economy, a growing middle class in emerging economies, technological advances, new business models, affordable travel costs and visa facilitation, international tourist arrivals grew 5% in 2018.
Total international tourist arrivals has reached 1.4billion, and Total international tourism exports combining international tourism receipts and passenger transportis 1.7 trillion USD. For the seventh year in a row, tourism exports grew faster than merchandise exports, reducing trade deficits in many countries.
The main points are as follows.

□Strong economy drives tourism growth

・2018 World GDP = +3.6%.
・2018年の世界GDP = + 3.6%。

・Exchange rate movements generally moderate.

・Low interest rates.

□Strong demand for air travel

・+6% in international passenger traffic measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs) according to IATA.
・国際運送協会(IATA)によると、収益旅客キロ(RPKs)で測定された国際旅客トラフィックで+ 6%。

・Stable fuel prices and lower fares (fares at -60% vs 1998).

・Over the past two decades, the number of unique city pairs connected by air transport has more than doubled, reaching more than 20,000 at ever lower costs.
・ 過去20年間で、エアトランスポートで結ばれた特有の都市間数は倍以上になり、さらに低コストによって20,000以上に達した。

□Digital technologies are shaping traveller’s experience

・Artificial Intelligence is transforming tourism, from virtual assistants to companies being able to offer hyper-personalized customer experiences and improve business performance.

・An increasing number of destinations are measuring tourism in real time for a better management of visitor flows.

□Enhanced visa facilitation

・eVisas and visas on arrival on the rise while traditional visas are decreasing.

・The share of world population requiring a traditional visa declined from 75% in 1980 to 53% in 2018.

・However, half of the world population still needed a traditional visa in 2018.

□Means and Purpose of Travel

・Leisure travel is the main purpose of visit in all world regions except the Middle East, where visiting friends and relatives (VFR), or for health or religious purposes predominates 27%, Business and professional is 13%.

・The share of leisure travel has grown from 50% in 2000 to 56% in 2018.

・The share of air travel has increased from 46% in 2000 to 58% in 2018, while land transport has decreased from 49% to 39% in the same period.

□International tourism exports

・2018 saw an extra USD 121 billion in export revenues from international tourism (travel and passenger transport) compared to 2017.

・Export earnings from international tourism are an important source of foreign revenues for many destinations in the world.

・Tourism is an important component of export diversification both for emerging and advanced economies, with a strong capacity to reduce trade deficits and to compensate for weaker export revenues from other goods and services.

・Tourism is the world’s third largest export category after chemicalsand fuels, and ahead of automotive products and food (2017)

 Chemicals 1,993billion USD 化学製品 1兆9930億米ドル
 Fuels 1,960billion USD 燃料 1兆9600億米ドル
 International tourism 1,586billion USD 国際ツーリズム 1兆5860億米ドル
 Automotive products 1,470billion USD 自動車製品 1兆4700億米ドル
 Food 1,466 billion USD 食品 1兆4660億米ドル

□For the seventh year in a row, total export revenues from international tourism grew faster than merchandise exports

Export revenues from international tourism and merchandise exports (% change)


Next, let's see the international tourist arrival in the top 10 countries. Although not write Japanese newspapers, it is important to know the current position.

 1 France   仏 国  89.400 million(8940万人)
 2 Spain   スペイン  82.773 million(8277.3万人)
 3 U S A    米 国  79.618 million(7961.8万人)
 4 China    中 国  62.900 million(6290万人)
 5 Italy   イタリア  62.146 million(6214.6万人)
 6 Turkey   トルコ  45.768 million(4576.8万人)
 7 Mexico  メキシコ  41.447 million(4144.7万人)
 8 Germany  独 国  38.881 million(3888.1万人)
 9 Thailand タ イ  38.277 million(3827.7万人)
10 U K      英 国  36.316 million(3631.6万人)

参考 Japan    日 本  29.263 million(2926.3万人)
参考 Russia   ロシア  24.591 million(2459.1万人)
参考 Makao    マカオ  18.493 million(1849.3万人)
参考 ROC      韓 国  15.347 million(1534.7万人)
参考 Luxembourg ルクセンブルク 1.018million(101.8万人)
参考 DPRK     北朝鮮     0.399 million(39.9万人)


And, the top 10 countries in international tourism revenue are as follows. For some reason, receipts of some tax havens, such as Virgin Islands, Monaco, and Cayman Islands, has not been recorded.

 1 U S A    米 国   214,468 million USD(2144億6800万米ドル)
 2 Spain   スペイン   73,765 million USD (737億6500万米ドル) 
 3 France   仏 国   67,370 million USD (673億7000万米ドル)
 4 Thailand  タイ   63,042 million USD (630億4200万米ドル)
 5 U K      英 国   51,882 million USD (518億8200万米ドル)
 6 Italy   イタリア   49,263 million USD (492億6300万米ドル)
 7 Australia豪 州   45,035 million USD (450億3500万米ドル)
 8 Germany  独 国   42,977 million USD (429億7700万米ドル)
 9 Japan    日 本   41,115 million USD (411億1500万米ドル)
10 China    中 国   40,386 million USD (403億8600万米ドル)

参考 Maccao   マカオ  40,187 million USD (401億8700万米ドル)
参考 ROK      韓 国  15,319 million USD (153億1900万米ドル)
参考 Russia   ロシア  11,802 million USD (118億0200万米ドル)
参考 Luxembourg ルクセンブルク 4,990 million USD (49億9000万米ドル)
参考 DPRK     北朝鮮  554 million USD (5億5400万米ドル)


目的地トップ10が世界到着数の40%を受け取り、 ツーリズム収入トップ10が全ツーリズム収入のほぼ50%を占める。

【OYOホテルの日本進出】OYO Hotels advance into Japan

 世界10カ国、500以上の都市でホテルや住宅事業を展開する『OYO Hotels &Homes』が、今年4月、ソフトバンクとソフトバンク・ビジョン・ファンドとの合弁で『OYO Hotels Japan合同会社』の設立を発表、世界第6位の外資が日本のホテル・旅館業界へと参入した。
 しかし、この会社はよくあるホテルチェーンではない。創業6年目のOYO Hotelsは、18,000を超えるホテルネットワークを有し、Sequoia IndiaやLightspeed Indiaなどの多くの投資家から資金を集めており、人工知能を活用したフランチャイズ方式で客室数を拡大するインド発のホテルベンチャーである。予測される供給を分析し、その結果に基づいて、ビジネス展開している地域の宿泊施設の供給データを分析することができ、結果に応じて、地域内の需給の不一致を最小限に抑え、客室料金を変更することで稼働率を最大化する動的価格設定(ダイナミックプライシング)を導入している。
 これは、ホテル周辺のイベントや天気・曜日を勘案し、人工知能が需要を予測した上で価格を変動させる仕組みであり、1日あたり4300万回の価格調整が行われるという。ホテルの価格決定は利益率に大きく影響するが、高すぎて空室が残れば機会損失になるし、安過ぎても十分な利益が確保できない。OYO Hotelsは、このダイナミック・プライシングによって、その最適化を促進するというわけである。
 また、提携先ホテル経営者には、アプリでAIの機械学習を活用したホテルマネジメントシステムや収益管理システムなどの幅広いテクノロジーを提供し、経営効率化や収益改善などに貢献する。狙いは、日本の旅行者に新しい宿泊体験を提供すると共に、提携先ホテル経営者のビジネス拡大のサポートだ。Forbes Japanによると、従来3~4割だった部屋の稼働率が、7~8割まで高まった例もあるという。
 実のところOYO Hotelsは、今年5月30日、中国への進出も発表している。だが、中国最大のホテルチェーン『華住酒店集団 Huazhu Hotels Group』傘下の『H連鎖酒店 H Hotel』も、同じ日に同様のフランチャイズによる事業展開を発表した。フランチャイズ化の動きは既に世界潮流なのである。重視すべきは、小規模ホテルとの契約を取り付けるプロモーション力、加盟管理やサービス 品質を含むホテル運営能力、そしてシステム運用力だ。
 ちなみに、OYOの日本市場への最初の参入は賃貸住宅市場であり、今年3月にはソフトバンクの傘下にあるヤフージャパンと合併会社を設立、日本初のアパートメントサービス事業『OYO LIFE』を開始している。

“OYO Hotels & Homes” operates hotels and housing businesses in more than 500 cities in 10 countries around the world. This company Joint with Softbank and SoftBank Vision Fund announced the establishment of “OYO Hotels Japan GK" at April this year. By this, the world's sixth largest foreign company entered in the Japanese hotel/ryokan industry.However, this company is not a common chain hotel. founded in since 6 years OYO Hotels has a network of over 18,000 hotels. We have raised funds from many investors such as Sequoia India and Lightspeed India. A hotel venture originated in India that expands the number of guest rooms using a franchise method utilizing artificial intelligence. By analyzing the projected supply, you can analyze supply data for accommodation in the areas where you operate. Depending on the results, we have introduced dynamic pricing, which minimizes inconsistencies in supply and demand within the region and maximizes the occupancy rate by changing the room rate.
This is a mechanism in which artificial intelligence predicts demand based on events, weather, and days of the week around the hotel, and then fluctuates the price, and it said that 43 million price adjustments will be made per day. the hotel pricing has a significant impact on profit margins. If vacancies remain too high, opportunity will be lost, and if it is too cheap, sufficient profits cannot be secured. OYO Hotels promotes its optimization through this dynamic pricing.
In addition, by applications helps improve the business efficiency and profits of partner hotel owners, by use AI machine learning to provide a wide range of technologies such as hotel management systems and revenue management systems. the aim is to provide new accommodation experiences for Japanese travelers and support business expansion for partner hotel operators. According to Forbes Japan says that there are cases where the room utilization rate, which was 30-40%, has increased to 70-80%.
As I wrote in the previous issue, the construction of hotels itself is on the rise. by the entry of major hotel chains in Japan and overseas. however, small and medium-sized hotels and ryokans in regional areas are on a decreasing trend due to poor management due to excessive competition, aging of managers and aging facilities. I think it many independent hotels like this with low competitiveness that cannot keep up with the trend of IT and globalization will be able to obtain this through partnerships with OYO Hotels.
And, the sustainability of the hotel/ryokan industry, where SMEs are overwhelming, will definitely contribute to Japan's “travel balance”, which has been unrelated to the market economy for many years.
As a matter of fact, May 30 this year, OYO Hotels also announced its entry into China. But, also “H Hotel”, which is part of “Huazhu Hotels Group”, the largest hotel chain in China, announced the same franchise business development on the same day. Already the movement of franchising is a global trend. The emphasis is the ability to promote contracts with small hotels, hotel management capabilities including membership management and service quality, and system operation capabilities.
That said, by the operating rate will not necessarily increase with the new system only. the increase in demand also depends on the popularity of the land, also the seasons. This is already well known from a room offer contract with the Japanese major travel agencies too. But, I don't know if foreign companies understand this. I think it true industrial value is create a motivation such as staying because a traveler wants to visit the place.
Incidentally, OYO's first entry into the Japanese market is the rental housing market, at March this year, a merged company was established with Yahoo Japan, a subsidiary of Softbank, and Japan's first apartment service business “OYO LIFE” started.
This business model, you can use a single smartphone to search for properties, contracts, set up infrastructure for payment, and move out. users do not need a security deposit, key money or brokerage fee. you can also rent properties with furniture, home appliances, Wi-Fi, and public services. Services that differ greatly from conventional rental procedures, such as guarantors and document preparation, are attracting attention. Of course, I think they also have legitimate private lodging businesses in mind.

[参考データ]Reference data


This is the occupancy rate for hotels and ryokans based on the Big data that is used experimentally by a certain research institution in Japan. Because of the rate, the denominator is different, but If you look at this you can see the balance between capacity and demand of the accommodation business. the season is in The season is from late June to the end of August, and is the summer vacation period when most Japanese people travel.
Assuming Ise Jingu is the destination, the highest occupancy is in the 10km area of ​​Ise city Station, and the next area is 10km around Toba Station. Continue, you can see the order, of 10km around Matsuzaka Station in front of Ise City and 10km around Tsu Station in front of Matsusaka City.


Then, what about the first three consecutive holidays in September, a not busy season?
You can see that only the first day of the holidays was busy. I think the way to reduce this white blanks is to become the destination location for inbound, or wait for the weeding out.

【この世界の片隅に】In This Corner of the World



 そして、伊勢市内は、1945年の1月14日にB29が宇治山田市を初空襲、爆弾2発が岩渕町、常磐町に、爆弾6発が伊勢神宮の外宮宮域内に着弾。2月15日に一之木町、 小俣町、浜郷・御薗村。3月14日に前山町の山林。4月7日に一之木町、小俣町、沼木村、館町。4月22日には、艦載機P51約40機の攻撃によって神戸製鋼山田工場、近鉄宇治山田駅付近、二見町、小俣町、城田村、北浜村が被災。5月14日には、焼夷弾によって、神田久志本町の神宮皇學館大学。6月15日に一色町。7月29日には、B29約40機の編隊によって1万数千発の焼夷弾が投下され、宇治山田市内の約60%が焼失した。

It was past 2 pm on February 4, 1945. Sixteen B29s flew over Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture. the bombs targeting military factories were swept away by the west wind and it fell around Takada, Kubo and Uekawa. As far as I know, this is the only Matsusaka air raid. Is not in the air raid records compiled by the Jiji Tsusin from about 200 organizations in the local government too.
According to this, the number of air raids by prefecture is as follows.

Hokkaido 11, Aomori 5, Iwate 8, Miyagi 10, Akita 1, Yamagata 3, Fukushima 10, Ibaraki 7, Tochigi 10, Gunma 9, Saitama 9, Chiba 56, Tokyo 299, Kanagawa 21, Niigata 4, Toyama 2, Ishikawa , Fukui 4, Yamanashi 1, Nagano 11, Gifu 7, Shizuoka 39, Aichi 40, Mie 35, Shiga 18, Kyoto 13, Osaka 55, Hyogo 35, Nara 1, Wakayama 49, Tottori 3, Shimane 7, Okayama 2, Hiroshima 11, Yamaguchi 34, Tokushima 1, Kagawa 1, Ehime Prefecture 20, Kochi Prefecture 8, Fukuoka 15, Saga 1, Nagasaki 15, Kumamoto 8, Oita 37, Miyazaki 41, Kagoshima 63, Okinawa 5

Of these, in the case of Nara Prefecture, which had only one air raid, on June 1, 1945, one B29 aircraft that was returning from the second Osaka air raid dropped 50 kilos incendiary ammunitions into Horen and Hokkeji, and 3 houses were fire destroyed. As a result, many of the historic buildings that remain today have no problem.
However, in the case of Mie Prefecture with 35 air raids, the damage was significant.
First, the disaster areas in Tsu City were Niesaki-cho, Akogi-cho and Tsu City on March 12, 1945. On March 19, Antou district. Kanbe district on April 7th. On June 26, the munitions factory in the Hashikita district and Hashiminami district. On July 16, the train on the Kinki Nippon Railway Ise Line was attacked by a P51's machine guns. On July 24, Tsu city area and Yachimura-Taninaka. On July 28, Tsu city area due to the incendiary ammunitions shells. In addition, the damage by the incendiary ammunitions was recorded in Gotenyama, Hisaicho, and Ohmitsu- jinja Shrine too.
Next, in Yokkaichi City, June 18, 1945, June 22, June 26, July 9, July 24, July 28, July 30 and August 2 There is a record of damage on August 8th. On June 18, B29's 89 aircraft formation completely destroyed the densely built-up area in the city center and severely damaged the industrial area. The burned area is 3.18 square kilometers, 35% of the city.
And, in Ise City, B29 attacked Ujiyamada City for the first time on January 14, 1945. Two bombs fell Iwabuchi-cho and Tokiwa-cho, and six bombs fell on the Geku site in Ise Jingu Shrine. On February 15th, Ichinogi-cho, Obata-cho, Hamago, Misono-mura. March 14th forest of Maeyama-cho. On April 7, Ichinogi-cho, Obata-cho, Numaki-mura, Yakata-cho. On April 22, Kobe Steel Yamada Factory, near Kintetsu Ujiyamada Station, and Futami-cho, Obata-cho, Shirota-mura, Kitahama-mura, were damaged by the attack of about 40 aircraft P51. On May 14, Kougakukan University of Kandakushimoto-cho by the incendiary ammunitions. Isshiki-cho on June 15. And, on July 29, by approximately 40 B29 formations dropping 10 thousand incendiary ammunitions approximately 60% of Ujiyamada city was burned down.
In Suzuka City, the 1st Suzuka Naval Air Base near Shiroko on April 7, 1945. Yanagi on June 26. On July 24 Makita.
In Iga City, a rice field in Nishiyama on March 10. On June 9, Iga Ueno, Abo, and Takao. Takao, on July 24 too. On July 25, by machine guns sweeping and bomb dropping, the Navy Air Corps Iga-Ueno Airfield in Midorigaoka and its nearby Uenotabata-cho. On July 27, Inago National School. On July 30, machine gun sweeping to Ayama Girls' High school. On August 8, the Naval Air Corps Iga Ueno Airfield was also damaged by bombs, and the Kinki Nippon Railway Iga Line Maruyama Station due to machine gun sweeps.
From this point of view, the value of historical buildings that were free from war damage is, among other things, the cultural heritage value of tangible and intangible of the Matsusaka, which still remains in the 21st century, is not only for Matsusaka citizens, it is for Tsu citizens, for Yokkaichi citizens, for Ise citizens, and those who visit Ise Jingu from all over the country too, it is a genuine Japanese heritage with no loss. this should contributes to creating a motivation that travelers want to stay there because they want to visit the place. that is the same for foreigners interested in authentic Japanese culture.

【松阪の一夜】One night on the Matsusaka
 日本の長編アニメーション映画が世界で好評だ。人気の秘訣は日本的な感性にあるという。果たしてそれは、四季に彩られた日本人独特の緻密さ、繊細さに由来するものなのだろか (確かにそれは、グローバリズムと博愛主義に由来するディズニー映画には無いものだ)。

Japanese feature animated films are popular around the world. The secret of popularity is said to be Japanese sensibility. Is it derived from the precision and subtlety that is unique to the Japanese colored in the four seasons? (Certainly, that doesn't exist in Disney movies that originate from globalism and altruism.)
If so, it may come from a “classical story” well known in childhood, in woven into Japanese sensitivities that are thought to stimulate emotions even with the sounds of insects and wind chimes.
There is the "Kojiki" in the oldest "classical story" of Japan. It was compiled 1300 years ago. This, Yamato kotoba (words) converted into "kanji" brought in from the continent were revived as Japanese words by Motoori Norinaga, and have a tangible and intangible influence on also the current people still.
Here I introduce “One night on the Matsusaka” which is important for knowing the footsteps of Norinaga. If this encounter did not occur, the Japanese sensibility would have been different from the present. because I think so.


  第十七課 松阪の一夜

 望がかなつて、宣長が真淵を新上屋の一室に訪ふことが出来たのは、それから数日の後であつた。二人はほの暗い行燈(あんどん)のもとで対座した。真淵はもう七十歳に近く、いろいろりつぱな著書もあつて、天下に聞えた老大家。宣長はまだ三十歳余り、温和なひとゝなりのうちに、どことなく才気のひらめいてゐる篤(とく)学の壮年。年こそちがへ、二人は同じ学問の道をたどつてゐるのである。だんだん話してゐるうちに、真淵は宣長の学識の尋常でないことをさとつて、非常にたのもしく思つた。話が古事記のことに及ぶと、宣長は  「私はかねがね古事記を研究したいと思つてをります。それについて何か御注意下さることはございますまいか。」


"Jinjo Elementary School National Language Book Volume 11"
Inspected by the Ministry of Education, August 22, 1945. Issued on October 10, 1945. Authorized and published by the Ministry of Education. Reprinting and printing by Tokyo Book Co., Ltd. The issuing office Tokyo Books Co., Ltd. Pages 70-77.

Lesson 17, One night on the Matsusaka

Norinaga is a person from Matsusaka in Ise-nokuni. He has loved reading since he was young and wanted to be a scholar in the future and studied hard.
In the mid of summer, Norinaga went to a secondhand bookstore that well usually go to. the shopkeeper is welcoming and “That was a shame. you told well that you wanted to meet Teacher Kamo Mabuchi from Edo, but he was here until a while ago.” to says. Norinaga was surprised at the unexpected words.
“Why the teacher came here?”
"According to what I heard, he is going to visit Ise-jingu from now on, because the trip to Yamashiro and Yamato area is over. He is staying in Shinjoya, and he was looking for an unusual book when went out."
“That it did something regrettable. I really want to see him.”
“If you run immediately, you will catch up roughly”
Norinaga hurriedly heard Mabuchi's costume and chased after him, but even if he go to the outskirts of Matsusaka, you cannot see those person. He went to the next ryokan too, but he didn't catch those person. Norinaga lost his power and came back. Then he asked to the Shinjoya master to let him know immediately, if the parson re-stays also on the way home.
The hope comes true, Norinaga was able to visit Mabuchi in the Shinjoya's room, a few days later. They sat facing each other under dim Andon. Mabuchi is about 70 years old and is a famous old teacher who has written various excellent books. Norinaga is a gentleman who is still around 30 years old, but a young talented man who is eager to study. although they age separated, they are following the same academic path. While Mabuchi was speaking, he felt that Norinaga's academic knowledge was unusual, and he felt very reliable. Norinaga, when the story extended to Kojiki, “I think it want to study Kojiki than before. Is there anything I should be careful about it? ” to asked.
"You noticed a good point. actually, I also wanted to study Kojiki, because I wanted to know the ancient spirit of our country, but If it don't understand old words well, it can't do enough. The best way to look up old words is Manyoshu. Therefore, I started research on Manyoshu as a first process, but as I got older, I was unable to reach out to Kojiki. You are still young, if you do your best, you will surely complete this study. But, what you need to be careful about is that you go in order. this is especially necessary for academic study.  You should be make a foundation first and then climb step by step to reach your final goal."
The night is short in summer. the doors of each house are already closed. Norinaga was deeply moved by the words of an old scholar and with great hope for the future, he headed to his house in a quiet street.
After that, Norinaga received Mabuchi's teachings constantly by exchanging letters, and the relationship between teachers and students became increasingly intimate. however, after a night in Matsusaka, they didn't have the opportunity to meet at last. Norinaga received Mabuchi's will and continued his efforts for thirty-five years, and finally completed the study of Kojiki. The great writing of the famous Kojiki-den is the result of this study, and it give off an immortal light on Japanese literature.

【2019年7月の国際収支】July's Balance of payments 2019

 日本の"国際ツーリズム輸出"の足を引っ張る常に赤字の旅客輸送は、 海上旅客の受取が0円、支払が14億円で▲14億円。航空旅客は受取が314億円、支払が914億円で▲599億円だ(四捨五入の為に合計に合わない場合がある)。

On September 9, It was not reported in the morning NHK news because of the typhoon 15 broadcast, but Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of July. the balance of payments for this month is 1.9999 trillion JPY. The year-on-year ratio is ▲1.3%.
The trade balance is ▲74.5 billion JPY. the exports is 6.5049 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.5795 trillion JPY. on the other hand, the travel balance was 229.3 billion JPY. the credit is 426.3 billion JPY, and the debit was 197 billion JPY. According to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for July was 2,991,200 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,659,200 people (Both preliminary).
Deficit always passenger transports that restrains Japan's “international tourism exports”, the credit of the sea passenger is 0 JPY, and the debit is 1400 million JPY for ▲1400 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 31.4 billion JPY and the debit is 91.4 billion JPY for ▲59.9 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.).
The other services, the credit is 1037.8 billion JPY and the debit is 1410.5 billion JPY for ▲372.7 billion JPY. There is an urgent need to improve service balance in overall, not only travel balance.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments

          Jan.  6,004
          Feb. 26,768
          Mar. 28,479
          Apr. 17,074
          May  15,948
          Jun. 12,112
          Jul. 19,999

[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance

 ○貿易収支 Trade         ○サービス収支 Services
  Jan.▲9,448       Jan.▲1,512
  Feb. 4,892       Feb. 2,366
  Mar. 7,001       Mar. 3,451
  Apr.  ▲982       Apr.▲3,124
  May ▲6,509       May  1,372
  Jun. 7,593       Jun.   509
  Jul.  ▲745       Jul.▲2,299

 ○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
  Jan.17,592       Jan.  ▲428
  Feb.20,145       Feb.  ▲635
  Mar.20,564       Mar.▲2,538
  Apr.21,303       Apr.  ▲120
  May 22,574       May ▲1,488
  Jun. 4,273       Jun.  ▲263
  Jul.23,899       Jul.  ▲856

[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance

 ○トランスポート Transport    ○トラベル Travel
  Jan.  ▲833       Jan. 2.271
  Feb.  ▲864       Feb. 2,274
  Mar.  ▲689       Mar. 2,076
  Apr.  ▲826       Apr. 2,564
  May   ▲779       May  2,305
  Jun.  ▲539       Jun. 2,332
  Jul.  ▲865       Jul. 2,293

         ○その他サービス Other Services
           Feb.   957
           Mar. 2,064
           May   ▲154

[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport

  ○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger     ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
   Jan.    ▲4      Jan.  ▲515
   Feb.    ▲6      Feb.  ▲500
   Mar.     0      Mar.  ▲412
   Apr.   ▲12      Apr.  ▲571
   May    ▲23      May   ▲427
   Jun.   ▲16      Jun.  ▲267
   Jul.   ▲14      Jul.  ▲413

  ○航空旅客 Air Passenger     ○航空貨物 Air Freight
   Jan.  ▲409      Jan.    46
   Feb.  ▲407      Feb.    39
   Mar.  ▲356      Mar.    41
   Apr.  ▲363      Apr.    55
   May   ▲456      May     38
   Jun.  ▲375      Jun.    60
   Jul.  ▲599      Jul.    54

                (単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)

【8月のインバウンド】 Inbound in August


According to statistics of foreign visitors to Japan in August announced by JNTO on September 18, the number of Korean tourists decreased by 48% from the same month last year to 308,700, a significant decrease. This is the first decline in 8 years and 3 months since May 2011, just after the Great East Japan Earthquake accompanied by an explosion at a nuclear power plant. Although the export of goods from Japan to South Korea decreased by nearly 10% due to the worst conflict between the two governments since the war, the number of Korean visitors to Japan in August has decreased by about half of the previous year.
According to the ryokan hotel association in Oita Prefecture said, which is popular because of its proximity to South Korea, there are hotels where the number of Korean guests in August has decreased by also 80% compared to the same month last year.
Even in September, South Korean LCCs operating between Korea and Oita Airport suspended three routes, so new reservations were not made and the number of Korean customers was less than half that of the same month last year, and October is expected to decrease by 90%. Even in the Beppu Golf Club, which has a total of 36 holes used by 5,000 people last year, the number of Korean customers will be zero in September and reservations will not be made.
According to the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute, after Japan's export restrictions have been tightened, nearly 70% of those who planned to travel to Japan on the 12th to 15th of September were canceled or destination changed.
The impact of the decline in Korean tourists is spreading nationwide.
According to news from a private broadcaster, sales at Harajuku roast beef donburi have dropped 3 to 6 million JPY per month. also, Asakusa's popular kimono and yukata rental stores say that Korean tourists have decreased by 30% to 40% compared to last year. In addition, in Hokkaido, Hokuyo Bank opened an emergency loan consultation desk for all the inns and restaurants where the number of tourists decreased from September 17.
However, it is increasing except for Korean tourists. By inbound market in August, Spain recorded a record high for a single month. China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia also recorded record highs of August.
Risks are high too when dependence on a single country is high. In any case, there is no big impact in Mie Prefecture, which does not have its own airport. In there, an Japanese cultural city that has not been explored by many tour group yet.

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O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura

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