【統計による世論コントロール】Public opinion control by statistics
これらのメソッドは金融に限らない。経済産業省も商務流通情報分科会で取り上げており、広く統計全般に応用可能だ。 金融の場合、将来これが超高速取引HFTと連動したら、『独立・集中型』で『確実』かつ『高速化』が必要になるだろうが、国際貿易もそうだ。省益の為の小細工など、サードパーティとの不整合によってバレバレになるに違いない。
Statistics are like a compass that knows we current location. but current Japan, seems to be on a ship where it is broken, as if.
According to the Asahi newspaper on February 17, ministers and others urged change at the economic and fiscal advisory council in November 2015 on the "monthly labor statistics" survey method.
Originally in labor statistics, it is necessary to examine all establishments with more than 500 employees. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has been conducting "extraction survey" for Tokyo since 2004. And, since January 2018, has begun a "data correction" in order to bring the results of secretly extracted investigation to the original exhaustive investigation.
In addition, regarding medium-sized businesses with 30 to 499 employees, "exchanging all items" in 2 to 3 years as the subject of investigation was referred to as "partial replacement". In "exchanging all items", it is because the wage index tends to decline as start-up companies and enterprises with management difficulties join. Therefore, the MHLW revises past data in order to be consistent with the actual situation, but many of which became to "downward revision". So, when that exchanging in January 2015 too the wage index in 2014 had declined more than at the time of the Democratic Party on 2011.
In March 2015, the prime minister's secretary (now Director of Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance) reported this downward revision as a problem consciousness to MHLW. At the Advisory Council on October 16, Aso Minister of Finance insisted that the numerical fluctuation occurred at the time of replacement of the survey target, and requested that the statistical committee urgently review concrete improvement measures. (Paradoxically, that means he acknowledged the economic downturn. because, If Japan is a growing economy will rise as it changes.)
In addition, at the Advisory Council on November 4, the BOJ Governor Kuroda said, "The minus of the recent nominal wage is influenced by statistical sample factors, I think that the actual situation is gradually rising" and he denied the labor statistics data. In response to this, Ito of the University of Tokyo graduate school of the time and Takaichi of the General Affairs Minister of the time also responded and concluded the discussion of the statistical problem. and, at the Statistics Committee of December 11, Nishimura Statistics Committee chairman ordered the correspondence. At that time, the manager in charge of MHLW announced an idea to reduce the numerical fluctuation at the time of replacement by changing the labor statistics from "replace all numbers" to "partial replacement", as well as a policy to quit also past corrections. he acknowledged the point that it diverges from the true value every time replaces the numerical value, because the new sample whose numerical value appears low is closer to the true value. but he decided to warn it with an annotation and did not change the policy. he could not be argued against the administration. As a result, the Statistics Committee created a report incorporating "partial replacement" introduction in 2016. since January 2018, labor statistics introduced "partial replacement", and we also stopped modifying past data.
When I try to organize the circumstances by doing this, seeing a big problem in there. it was that is the will of BOJ's Governor was involved there. he had expecting control of also stock price by controlling public opinion?
If so, the loss of credit from overseas investors to the BOJ is a matter of time. it is because it lost independence. According to Reuters of February 19, Aso Minister of Finance, in response to a question from the former Prime Minister at the end of the former Democratic Party's administration who pointed out this, at the House of Representatives Finance and Finance Committee on the afternoon "When the injustice to accumulates (Statistics of the Japan) will be unreliable. We take it extremely seriously." to said. because also the beginning the Greek debt crisis was injustice statistics problem.
As a matter of fact, this Pointing out coincides with the content aired on NHK News Watch 9 on the evening of February 13. However, the content of that broadcast has been erased from the list and has not been archived either. Despite having a very sharp opinion from foreign investors there. Mr. Jim Rogers, one of the well-known investors said, "Japanese stocks had held for 7 or 8 years but I sold all in the fall of last year, I've not having any assets related to Japan related to stocks and currencies. for structural economic slowdown factor by population decline, and the fact that the BOJ continues to print a large amount of money to buy and support Japanese stocks and government bonds is also reason for selling."
By the way, according to the survey conducted by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan in 2017, 2613 people in Japan are engaged in statistical work.
Is it that, many or less?
I saw the German Federal Statistical Office website. thereupon, in Germany, Wiesbaden, Bonn and Berlin, 2341 people were found to be engaged in statistical work. It seems to be slightly smaller than Japan. however, Germany says that, secures data confidentiality on neutrality, objectivity and scientific autonomy, and micro data to be handled, provides information based on information in democratic society and statistical information necessary for the development of the decision making process. As a matter of fact, Germany seems to be at the same level as Japan, compared with the central government alone, but there are more than 6,000 statistical staff in each state, and it is far more than Japan.
Also, in France, INSEE belonging to MINEFI holds official statistics creation and analysis. And in the UK, the ONS of the UK is a direct statistical authority of the UK Parliament under the supervision of the British Statistics Council a non-cabinet-structured government agency. according to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, 2761 people in France and 6544 people in the UK are engaged in statistical staff. Moreover, in EU, it is summarized by nearly 6000 staff of the Eurostat, statistics on economic statistics, economic and financial convergence, trade statistics, corporate statistics, social and regional statistics, agriculture, environment, energy statistics are announced. It is engaged in "centralized", "independent" and "objective".
On the other hand, Japan conducts statistical work separately by each Ministry and agency. For example, the inbound is handled by JNTO, an independent administrative corporation of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the immigration office of the Ministry of Justice is also handled for entry, but such "distributed type" is not efficient because there are concerns such as duplication among ministries and agencies, differences in opinion, tampering with mind of savings in mind.
The number of people engaged in statistics may also be important, but fools are unnecessary, expertise and work efficiency are more important.
Speaking of work efficiency, a method to analyze data collection from big data with artificial intelligence is evolving. For example, in the finance field, interest in "RegTech"and "SupTech" is increasing. This is, to utilize the data released by economic entities such as net space in a form that can be utilized by making full use of AI technology and others. and Ensure data anonymity by utilizing cryptographic techniques and others. And, by joining the public authorities as one of the distributed ledger nodes, it is possible to share the data while reducing the burden on the respondent side. These technologies are being studied as possibilities for the future.
These methods are not limited to the finance, also the METI covers at the Commerce and Distribution Information Subcommittee. It is widely applicable to general statistics. In the case of finance, if this will work in conjunction with the ultra high-speed transaction HFT in the future it will be necessary to be "reliable" and "speed up" with "independent and centralized type". It is also so in international trade. a small work for keeping facefold etc will be revealed immediately due to inconsistency with third party.
That is, an untouchable expert group will become necessary also in Japan. And, Public opinion control by statistics of lies becomes impossible.
【日本の主要旅行業者49社の取扱高2018】Sales figures of Japan's major travel industry 49 companies 2018
Although JTA has announce each month the monthly bulletin value of major travel agencies in Japan, for the period from January to December of 2018, the numbers were completed at the end of February. this is not a FY from April to March. I've been tracking that trend since 2011, but, because calendar year starting from January has consistency with statistical data of international organizations and travel balance. However, In 2018, JTB restructured business since April, and Rakuten Travel of the industry 2nd place is disappeared from the report since June, there was a big change in statistics. So, 50 companies were targeted last year, but this year it is 49 companies (It was also so two years ago).
Well, According to this data, the handling amount of domestic travel in 2018 is 3,070,408,398 thousand JPY , 319,029,271 thousand JPY less than the previous year. On the other hand, handling the amount of overseas travel, it increased 100,264,227 thousand JPY from the previous year, became JPY 2,142,385,263 thousand JPY . Also, the amount handled by foreign tourists too, increased by 23,465,953 thousand JPY to 241,469,787 thousand JPY from the previous year.
However, the total amount is 5,454,263,448 thousand JPY, which is 195,299,091 thousand JPY less than the previous year. is it due to the fact that annual handling amount of Rakuten Travel has not been recorded. the handling amount of this company from January to December 2017 was 597,351,714 thousand JPY. there should be as much this year as well. actually, it should be well above the previous year.
Sudden withdrawal of Rakuten Travel it seems that there may be a causal relation with the revised travel business law, or the private lodging law enacted in June. By the way, according to the industry papers, it seems that the business restructuring from July and intensifying competition among EC operators seems to be a cause. The JTB Group, which was restructured from 25 companies to 12 companies in April, increased by approximately 43.6 billion JPY from the previous year, but the total value of the industry did not reach the level of the previous year.
As a whole industry trend, I can see that it are focusing on outbound again, than no profitable inbound. Because declining demand for domestic travel can not be met with inbound handling amounts of single digit shortage. However, excessive outbound will have a negative impact on the travel balance in the international balance of payments. restrictions are necessary.

【インバウンド/アウトバウンド1964-2018】Inbound/Outbound 1964-2018 そこで私は、インバウンドとアウトバウンドの人数推移チャートを更新してみた。期間は1964年から2018年である。
So I updated the number of people transition chart of the inbound and outbound. the period is from 1964 to 2018.
Indeed, there is a sharp rise in inbound numbers since 2015. According to JNTO, in 2018 it is estimated by 31,191,900 people. The Japanese government hopes to achieve the target of 40 million people and the consumption amount 8 trillion JPY by next year.
Incidentally, the shortage of inbound / outbound from 1971 to 2014 is 293,880,233 people, and it is not enough yet. because in the Heisei period there were too many outbound.
【2019年1月の国際収支】January's Balance of payments 2019 3/8、日本の財務省は1月の経常収支(速報)を公表した。この月の国際収支は6004億円である。午前9時のNHKニュースは、55ヶ月間の連続黒字だけを述べるにとどまるが、例年1月はダウンするとはいえ、今年の対前年比も1.4%に過ぎない。貿易収支は▲9448億円で、輸出額は5兆8169億円、輸入額は6兆7818億円である。
On March 8, Japan's Ministry of Finance announced the provisional balance of payments of January. the current account balance for this month is a surplus of 600.4 billion JPY. NHK news at 9 a.m. only says continuing for 55 months. this is to be down in January every year, but also the year-on-year is only 1.4% in this year. the trade balance is ▲944,8 billion JPY. the exports is 5.8169 trillion JPY, and the imports is 6.7818 tillion JPY.
The travel balance was 203.8 billion JPY. the credit is 399.6 billion JPY, and the debit was 172.5 billion JPY. according to JNTO, the Visitor Arrivals for January was 2,689,400 people, and the Japanese Overseas Travelers was 1,452,200 people (Both preliminary). It is necessary to further raise this inbound unit price. (a low-priced private lodging and "Separation of accommodation and meals" is a policy that goes against that.) Also, should restrict carry-out of foreign currency due by outbound too.
Always in deficit passenger transports, the credit of the sea passenger is 100 million JPY, and the debit is 500 million JPY for ▲ 400 million JPY. the credit of the air passenger is 28.8 billion JPY and the debit is 69.7 billion JPY for ▲ 40.9 billion JPY. (Totals may not add due to rounding.) Of course, the sea freight is also a deficit of 51.5 billion JPY.
On March 7, the Cabinet Office announced that the coincident index showing the current economic situation of the preliminary figures of the economic activity index in January fell to the level since June 2013. it seems a limit of the export of industrial products was revealed. also Japan need to emphasize service trade.

[経常収支/国際収支 ]Current Account Balance / Balance of Payments
Jan. 6,004
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade ○サービス収支 Services
Jan.▲9,448 Jan.▲1,512
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income ○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan.17,592 Jan. ▲428
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport ○トラベル Travel
Jan. ▲833 Jan. 2.271
○その他サービス Other Services
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger ○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. ▲4 Jan. ▲515
○航空旅客 Air Passenger ○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. ▲409 Jan. 46
(単位:億円 Unit:100 million JPY)
【諸外国・地域の規制措置2019.0301より】From the Regulatory measures of other countries and regions 2019.0301
The following is a US import ban item based on the FDA import alert dated November 30, 2018, it from the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions" which the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan had secretly updated on March 1.
As you can see, it is all from the natural environment. Even if the administration changes, the United States still has concerns about the radioactive environment.
Before the US-Japan trade negotiations, the FDA should show its scientific basis, for to not do like unequal treaties.However, according to the Kyodo News on March 7, President Trump complained that the trade deficit of goods with Japan is "too big" at the meeting on the employment issue held on the 6th in the White House, and demanded expansion to United States investment to increase production.
The trade deficit of goods with Japan in 2018 is 67.63 billion USD (about 7.6 trillion JPY), and it is fourth behind China, Mexico and Germany. In the new trade negotiations with Japan, it is likely to intensify pressure to rectify trade imbalances.
Apparently, from the beginning the United States does not seem to assume the import of agricultural products from Japan.
Aomori prefecture's Wild mushrooms
Iwate prefecture's Bamboo shoots, Logs clitake (open field cultivation), Logs shiitake mushrooms, Logs nameco (open field cultivation), Wild mushrooms, Wild seri, Osmunda, Wild koshiabura, Bracken, Black snapper, Iwana (excluding aquaculture) , Cow meat, Deer meat, Yamadori meat
Miyagi prefecture's Osmunda, Bamboo shoots, Wild koshiabra, Wild taranome, Logs shiitake (open field cultivation), Wild mushrooms, Bracken, Ayu (excluding cultured), Yamame (excluding cultured), Cow meat, Bear meat, Boar meat, Deer meat
Yamagata prefecture's Bear meat
Fukushima Prefecture's Raw milk, Wild taranome, Bamboo shoots, Komatsuna, Shungiku, Chingengai, Mizuna, Sunny lettuce, Spinach etc, Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Lettuce, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Marron, Wild Fukinoto, Osmunda, Wild koshiabura, Kiwi fruit, Logs shiitake, Logs nameko (cultivation of open field), Mushrooms, Kusasotetsu, Bracken, Rice, Turnips, Plum, Butterbur, Uwabamisou, Citron, Rockfish, Ayu (farmed except), Umitanago, Kurodai, Flounder, Murasoi, Binosugai, Yamame (farmed except), Ugui, Eel, Iwana (farmed except), Carp (farmed except), Bear meat, Cow meat, Boar meat, Copper pheasant meat, Pheasant meat, Hare meat, Ducks meat.
Ibaraki prefecture's Logs shiitake, Bamboo shoots, Wild koshiabra, Eel, American catfish (excluding cultured), Boar meat
Tochigi prefecture's Wild taranome, Bamboo shoot, Wild sanshou, Wild osmunda, Wild coshiabra, Wild bracken, wild kuasa southe, Logs critake (open field cultivation), Logs shiitake, Logs nameko (open field cultivation), Wild mushrooms , Cow meat, Boar meat, Deer meat
Gunma prefecture's wild mushrooms, Wild coshiabra, Wild taranome, Yamame (excluding aquaculture), Iwana (excluding aquaculture), Bear meat, Bore meat, Copper pheasant meat, Deer meat
Saitama prefecture's Wild mushrooms
Chiba prefecture's Shiitake, Carp, Ginbuna, Eel, Boar meat
Niigata prefecture's Koshiabura, Bear meat
Yamanashi prefecture's Wild mushrooms
Nagano prefecture's Wild mushrooms, Koshiabura, Deer meat
Shizuoka prefecture's Wild mushrooms
The March 12 Chunichi Shimbun wrote the import ban implemented in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, and Macao, but did not write the United States ban. In addition, also yamame, ikanago, ugui and ayu from Fukushima by Philippines. And, nor did it write the regulatory measures that the EU and French Polynesia are implementing.
【レイズ・ザ・ジャパン】Raise the Japan !

日本は、サービス貿易項目の音響映像・関連サービス Audio visual and related servicesの輸出が特に劣る。このジャンルの世界市場は、GAFA同様、米国企業の独壇場にある。ところが不思議なことに、イデオロギーが異なる国を除くと、この収支不均衡について露骨に異を唱える国はない。映画も立派な貿易商品であるにもかかわらずである(民放テレビにおける一回こっきりの放映権さえ、超大作映画ならば7億から9億円したのだ)。国際観光同様、それがサービス貿易であるという認識が無いからだ。
This is an integrated value from January to December of the preliminary "Trade balance" preliminary figures announced by the Ministry of Finance every month. You can see mountains in the each quarterly, and valleys in the beginning of the year, May, August and November. In addition, it is hard to understand in the graph, but if we add up each, ▲10.1792 trillion JPY in 2014, ▲0.6612 trillion JPY in 2015, 5.6493 trillion JPY in 2016, 4.9335 trillion JPY in 2017, 1.2417 trillion JPY in 2018, it turns out that the downturn has been followed since the turn of the surplus in 2016. This is the limit of foreign currency acquisition balance by industrial products export, and the reason why Japan also needs to promote service trade. the total in 2018 finally fell below the travel balance. (the total of the preliminary of “travel balance” from January to December 2018 is 2.1362 trillion JPY.)
However, the “Transport balance” is always a deficit except “Air freight”, and it can not be covered by “Travel balance” only which is rise alone.
Therefore, I think that foreign currency acquisition should be promoted by the content export industry such as movies and TV programs, referring to past cases. It is because it is directly connected to international tourism promotion.
In particular, Japan is inferior in exports of Audio visual and related services in the service trade item. The world market of this genre, like GAFA, is currently under the control of US companies. But curiously, there is no country that explicitly complains about this imbalance, except in countries with different ideologies. despite the fact that the movie is also a good trade product. As with international tourism, it is because there is a lack of recognition that it is a service trade.
However, Japan also had a movie export policy before. The Japan Film Export Promotion Association was established under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1966, and was implemented from 1966 to March 1972. But, only Daiei, Nikkatsu and Shochiku were the ones who actually produced "Export Qualified Films" using this system. However, only Daiei, Nikkatsu and Shochiku were the only companies that actually produced "Export Qualified Films" using this system, and the only movies that were told in later life were monster films.
On the other hand, Toho sold by personally to foreign theaters until 1964 since the box office income of the foreign version "Godzilla, King of the Monsters!" exported to the United States in 1956 exceeded $ 500,000. and, with in 1965 worked together with Venedict Pictures, in 1967 with Rankin Bass Pictures, and in 1969 with National General to make a profit, each by the half and half investment.
In such a movie export business is, Toei who produced "The Green Slime" in collaboration with Ram Film / MGM in 1968, made "Super Express 109" a big hit in France in 1976. Kadokawa movie aimed at the world market by casting famous foreign actors. But these were just single events only. In 1990, "Crisis 2050" where Gakken and NHK Enterprises appointed many Hollywood actors failed. Since then, collaborations or joints with the United States have disappeared. It is impossible to balance the balance of export and import of movies. impossible situation to balance the balance of export and import of movies.
What about the case in the UK, which was challenging the US market about half a century ago?
I think in terms of foreign currency acquisition by movies and TV programs, the past British attitudes of making products of movies and experiences of failure are helpful. For example, the 007 series made a big hit from the third movie GOLDFINGER that made the location the United States.
In particular, it is very logical thinking to use an actor from the country you want to sell as a leading actor class by the UK producer Sir Lew Grade, who was born in Ukraine, and to shoot at that location if you have a budget. That's because everyone likes to look at familiar people and places on the screen. The ITC he founded, has sold many television shows around the world, and in 1969, he was awarded the knight's place in honor of his contribution to foreign currency acquisition. and he was produced also movies since the 70's. Although it was until he fail in "Raise the Titanic!" in 1980.
【ものは言いよう】Smooth words make smooth ways

According to the Chunichi Shimbun on March 9, the number of foreign guests from January to December 2018 in Chubu Japan 9 prefectures working on the "Dragon Route Project" to attract inbound increased by 15.6% from the previous year It was 9.43 million people nights.
According to the article, the change rate of 9 prefectures summarized by Chubu Transport Bureau is +29.6% in Fukui, +25.9% in Gifu, +20.7% in Shizuoka, +18.9% in Ishikawa, +14.4% in Aichi, +13.5 % in Nagano, +7.2% in Mie, and, Shiga is ▲4.8%, Toyama is ▲0.2%.
However, this is merely a light summary of the preliminary figures of JTA's lodging travel statistics by the Central Transportation Bureau. It is the usual thing that it generally goes down when it comes to a fixed value. Nevertheless, the Chunichi Shimbun wrote that it has renewed its record high for the sixth consecutive year. however, it does not write about the number of foreign guests in each prefecture. the actual situation is unknown.
So I looked at the preliminary figures of JTA's lodging travel statistics, the total of 47 prefectures in 2018 was 88,589,500 nights, and compared with the previous year was +11.2%. Aichi is 2,909,550 people nights, Gifu is 1,227,320,
Mie is 358,420, Nagano is 1,464,670 people, Fukui is 79,270, Shiga is 369,940, Ishikawa is 924,390, Toyama is 287,160, and Shizuoka was 1,812,750. Mie, boasting the summit effect, is 30th in 47 prefectures, under the middle. the previous year was 27th, it was 334,230, but even if it increased somewhat, it ranked down.
However, this place is the best place to filming movies. because costs a lot of cost to organize onlookers. there are few foreign tourists who may be reflected in the movies.
In particular, Matsusaka City began accumulating achievements in recent years, and has a deep connection with movies, and many elements of Japan are remain. In February of this year, Warner Brothers Japan's filming team came, but in February last year "Toukenranbu" and "Another World (The 31st Tokyo International Film Festival Competition Section, Audience Award Winning Work)" were filmed, and in 2012 "Yellow Elephant", in 1992 "Yumeno-hito (43rd Berlin International Film Festival official invitation work)" was filmed.
In addition, Ozu Yasujiro who spent a juvenile era in Matsusaka said he did not became a film director without "Kaguraza" of the movie hut near his home.
【奈良ならレポート2019.0315】A precedent of Nara 2019.0315
This time, I passed the lonely National Route 166 and crossed the prefectural border. this route will be full people in sakura(cherry blossom) season but it is still quiet at now. I stopped at the chairman's house of the Ohuda Chamber of Commerce and handed over a complete set of tourism-related materials and a material of Matsusaka, and I to headed straightforwardly to the roadside station Hari T.R.S.. this a roadside station which is in contact with the Hari Interchange on Meihan National Highway, is due to the bankrupt of the Osaka operating company at the end of last year.
This Hari TRS, which opened in 2001, is the first PFI project in Japan as a roadside station. and it is a large road station equipped with public facilities such as shops, restaurants, hot spring facilities, and information centers. The company was operated directly-managed cafes, Italian restaurants and strawberry farms. But, in addition to the business performance deterioration of the main business, the land use fee delinquency continued to Nara city and the business contract etc. was canceled, and the Osaka District Court was filed for bankruptcy. As a result, the directly managed shop was closed, but the other tenants were operating, and guide volunteers were also stationed in the information center. the function as a road station is perfect.
Entering Nara on Meihan National Highway, which runs at high altitudes, can overlook the city below. the ancient city looks like in now it is in yellow sand and pollen. however, because the weather is good, there are many people and deer in Nara Park. this time, Asians seem to be more numerous than non-Asian, and in addition to inbound, nursery school excursions also came.
When I arrived at the UNWTO Japan office in Shilkia Nara, I handed over to the Secretary General the various transition graphs of 2018, and HACCP documents, articles in my newspaper's series, and materials for planning and exhibitions of Motoori Norinaga Museum. because it is useful for international organizations to recognize Japan's current situation, for externally.
According to the Secretary General, the co-sponsored symposium by UNESCO and UNWTO scheduled in Kyoto will be coordinated in December or January. I entrusted him to hand out the map of the 12 views of the sakuras of Uda to the absent American staff today. at last spring, because she had come to see Matabei-zakura of Ohuda by bicycle.
Although the next to Hotel Nikko Nara, Silkia Nara is a complex commercial facility. in here, include the UNWTO Japan Office of the Asia-Pacific Tourism Center, as well as non-commercial facilities such as the Foreign Residents Support Center and the Consumer Affairs Center. This time, Nara City Tourist Association also moved in there.
The information corner is still being prepared, so I visited from the back door, but the staff with familiar faces welcomed me. Although I didn't have an appointment, we are acquaint since six years ago, so the current Executive Secretary was also introduced.
I talked about the promotion events at the time of the commemorative events of the 1300th Anniversary of Nara Heijo-kyo Capital.
The way back was the same course as going, for to visit the chairman on the Ohuda Chamber of Commerce and Industry again. he let me go to a living room with kotatsu heating, and talked about sightseeing promotion in Ohuda. he has been to the "Inbound Festa 2019" (hosted by the Osaka City Center for Industrial Promotion) held at the Osaka Industrial Creation Hall on March 5th, and he seem inspired the lecture by the Deputy Director General of the Asakusa Tourism Federation's office. it is said that he will focus on disseminating information overseas. work to get it widely known is very important. That's a good idea.
Just this day, Nara Shimbun described the issue of "Miharuen" which is closed from April, due to differences in thinking with the affiliate company from the Kyukamura Association who was a designated manager. The loss of accommodation for up to 190 people in 43 rooms as a result of this is not only a decline in tourists and employment of nearly 30 employees, but also a negative economy for the regional economy due to a decrease in sales of delivery companies. there is concern about the expansion.
Nara city where foreign tourists are covering the Japanese tourists who decreased due to the declining birthrate and the aging of the population. Uda city where formation of citizen's agreement is difficult. It was a day I saw the urban disparities in Nara Prefecture.
By the way, this time was the 99th visit to Nara. The reason why I stick to Nara was the relationship between Matsusaka and Nara.
【奈良県と本居宣長さん】-2009年5月30日 本居宣長記念館 館長より-
『季刊 明日香風』の最新号でも「本居宣長の見た飛鳥」という特集を組んでいます。
【Relationship Mr. Motoori Norinaga with Nara Prefecture】- May 30th, 2009, From the Museum of Motoori Norinaga, Director Yoshida -
Motoori Norinaga, a national scholar in the Edo period, was born in Matsusaka City, and studied Japanese classics while doing a doctor there, and spent a lifetime of 72 years. It is no exaggeration to say that his life was dedicated to the study of "Kojiki".
His teacher Kamono Mabuchi, taught Norinaga to read "Manyoshu" first, if Norinaga wanted to decipher the "Kojiki".
He, faithfully followed the teacher's teachings and examined in detail Nara, which was the setting of Manyoshu. Also, he actually walked and wrote it down a schematic map and sketches.
It is Motoori Norinaga who got a deep interest in Nara like this. The relationship with "Nara" comes out no matter where you go in your lifetime, but let's introduce seven topics here.
[Nara with Motoori Norinaga]
Motoori Norinaga is Yoshino Mikumari-jinja Shrine's god-child of Mount Yoshino.
[The best scenery in Japan]
When he walked the town of Nara when he was 28 years old, he showed an interest in deers used to humans, and he impressed that the scenery in the vicinity of Saruzawa-ike is the best scenery in Japan.
[Exhibit in Hase-dera]
Yamatonokuni Hase-dera Temple, often used as a stage for classical literature such as in the "Genji-monogatari" and "Makuranososhi". It was at the age of 13 that he first made a pilgrimage to this temple.
Fifteen years later, on October 4 (Japanese calendar), 1757, Norinaga once again made a pilgrimage to Hase-dera via Oomiwa-jinja Shrine on his way back from Kyoto. At the pilgrimage this time, they paid 7 ryou ( ¥ 700,000 for the current money!) and got a special exhibit, because his uncle Murata Seibei also accompanied.
At Kannon-do in Hase-dera, there is still a large incense burner that Ozu family, who was Matsusaka great merchants donated. Hase-dera was a special temple for Matsusaka merchants.
[Yoshino, Asuka thorough search]
The 43-year-old Norinaga walked around Asuka from Mt, and he wrote the "Sugakasa Diary".
The Takamatsuzuka burial mound, Sakafuneishi ruins, and the Big Buddha of Asuka-dera Temple were introduced in a lively depiction, and since then this diary has become a guidebook for those who walk through Asuka and Yoshino.
Even the latest issue of "Quarterly magazine Asukakaze" features a feature called "Asuka seen by Motoori Norinaga".
[Speaking of Norinaga is Kojiki]
He spent 35 years writing "Kojiki-den" 44 volumes, because "Kojiki" made in 712 is considered to be the most precious book to know Japanese hearts. This changed the evaluation of "Kojiki" completely.
How glad would he be if he knew that the epitaph of Ōno Yasumaro was found.
[Norinaga's poetry monument in Takami pass]
Into the "Yoshinoyama" a hometown for Norinaga. in addition, the shortest course to Wakayama Prefecture, which was the castle town of the Kishu Tokugawa family that controlled Matsusaka, is to go beyond Takami. On top of the current Takami pass, there is a large poetry monument that expresses the deep emotions of the 65-year-old Norinaga as he crossed the pass.
[Maps of Nara]
Nara was a special place for Norinaga for research or travel.
In the Norinaga Museum have stored, Nara's guidebook "Tabi-nikki" which was transcribed and actually used by Norinaga, and "Manyoshu", "Kojiki" by he written in a lot, etc.
In 2010, a commemorative event for the 1300th anniversary of the Capital city transition, we will sequentially publish maps, books, the portable writing instruments, etc. that show the close relationship between Norinaga with Nara throughout the year.
Please see the website of the museum for the relationship or exhibition of Nara with Norinaga.
http://www.norinagakinenkan.com/english/index.html【JOC会長の退任記者会見】Resignation Press Conference of Chairman of the JOC
この事は、ブラジル五輪委員会COB(Comitê Olímpico do Brasil)会長のカルロス・ヌズマンも、同様の構図で2017年10月に逮捕されていることからみても吝かでない。彼はリオ五輪開催の翌年になって逮捕され、COBの元役員も逮捕されているのだ。
According to NHK News on March 19, JOC chairman Takeda who is under investigation by French judicial authorities suspected of being involved in bribery relating to the Tokyo Olympics bid, announced that he will resign in June. also, IOC member also announced their intention to resign too. Although in the 7-minute for assertion press conference held on January 15 did not answer any questions, apparently he seems to have been driven to the edge of the cliff.
Mr. Takeda is suspected by the French prosecutor's office that about 220 million JPY paid to a consultant company in Singapore by the Bid Committee of the Tokyo Conference, where he was the top, will be a bribe. the French court has been carrying out "preliminary proceedings" to determine whether to open a trial from last December.
A French judiciary said to NHK's interview that "the resignation statement will not change anything" and that it is not likely to affect the "preliminary proceedings" to judge whether this statement will open a trial. It is because the Japanese style "resignation atonement" is not lead to the prevention of recurrence.
This it will be clear from the fact that COB chairman Carlos Nuzman is also arrested in October 2017 for similar charges. He was arrested the year after the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, and former COB officers were also arrested.
Therefore, it would be a reasonable view that Mr. Takeda alone can not bear all responsibility. the current Organization Chairperson and Secretary of the Sports Agency, who was the Director of the Invitation Committee, are also maybe targets. If he says that him did not fertilize my belly, it can say that bribery of Rio and Tokyo Olympics is organized crime. Are there no responsibility for African countries that voted by $ 100,000 per vote, or companies like Dentsu?
I've been recorded in the [International Association of Athletics Federations] of the April issue of No.99 “2016” but according to the NHK news March 1, its Paris mayor, to aim at Olympics bid of 2024, to during their stay in Japan, “ I came in order to know way succeeded in attracting to Tokyo” said. and, showed the idea that want to advance the bid activities in reference to Tokyo.
However, according AFP March 2, the prosecution authorities of France, revealed that it is under investigation as there is corruption allegations in the bidding activities of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and the Tokyo Olympics.
At the time, The Guardian reported, the former chairman and son of the IAAF has played the mediators to the two cities and some members of the International Olympic Committee. and the former chairman had supported the originally Istanbul bid, but it may be have changed heart by the sponsors contract of the Japanese company with the IAAF.
If the mayor of Paris already knew this at this time, it can be said that the governor of Tokyo at that time was a very foolish man.
Looking at the IAAF website at the moment, three of the four official partners are Japanese companies ASICS, SEIKO, TDK, except for Qatar's Bank QNB. German's adidas and Switzerland's Nestle who have been plagued by doping and injustice have gone still (also TOYOTA).
On March 26, JOC's Chairman Takeda resigned an IOC member.
しかし、どれもこれもガラパゴスであり輸出には未成熟だ。しかも、NHKの海外向けニュースによれば、米国の財務長官 Steven Mnuchin は昨年10月、ワシントンは将来の貿易取引に通貨操作を抑止するための条項を、日本を含めて入れるよう望んでいると述べている。
According to Reuters on March 20, President Trump stated on the 19th that he will enter into FTA negotiations with Japan in a 2019 Presidential Economic Report submitted to the US Congress. This economic report states that tariffs and non-tariff barriers on goods and services prevent exports from the United States to Japan, and Japan and China are said to be attractive markets as they are large importers of liquefied natural gas. Japan and the United States will soon begin negotiations on trade agreements.
However, the Abe administration has say that this is a TAG limited to goods. on the other hand, the United States has say that a comprehensive FTA including the service sector. details I've recorded in [This is not a joint statement] of No.130. Apparently, seems that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry alone can not handle. because the field of service trade is not their specialty.
I wrote in detail to [About "other services" in service balance of the Japan] of No.133. the "service balances" items listed in the Japanese Ministry of Finance's preliminary balance of payments report had only be classified into "travel", "transport" and "others", and the details of "others" are unknown. But, I found 12 "others" items in the BOJ's "Outline of accounting method by item". it is "Outsourced processing service","Maintenance and repair service","Constructions","Insurance and pension services","Financial services","Intellectual property rights etc. usage fee","Industrial property rights etc. Rental fee","Copyright fee usage fee","Communications, computers, information service","Other business services","Individual, culture, entertainment service","Public service etc."
However, they are all immature for export. because it is unique to Japan. Furthermore, according to NHK's overseas news, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said last October that Washington wants to include a provision to deter currency manipulation in future trade deals, including by Japan.
If so, Japan should urge the United States to increase tourists to Japan.
According to JNTO, 3,730,287 tourists from Japan to the United States in 2017. on the other hand, there are 1,374,964 tourists, only 36.86% from the United States to Japan.

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