No.97 "About the involvement of the tourism industry and regional development" February issue
【初詣】The first visit of the year to a shrine
一方、中日新聞によると、三重県の伊勢神宮(内宮+外宮)は、1/1が約21万4000人、1/2が約14万6000人だった。二日間で約36万人だ。三が日として1/3の人数も加えると、48万4022人だ(※ 同一人物の二重カウント含む)。
Sanin-Chuoushingpo has reported, the worshipers number of January 1-2 of Izumo-Taisha in Shimane. it's about 300,000 people in January 1, about 260,000 people in January 2, about 560,000 people in two days.
On the other hand, Chunichi Shinbun has reported, the worshipers number of January 1-2 of Ise-Jingu in Mie. it's about 214,000 people in January 1, about 146,000 people in January 2, about 360,000 people in two days. (※ Including a double count of the same person)
The total is 484,022 people when the number of January 3 was also added as the Sanganichi (first three days of a new year).
According to the NHK Nara, the Sanganichi of Kashihara-Jingu of Nara is about 1,010,000 people. Kasuga-Taisha is about 500,000 people.
※ 携帯電話などの位置データを用いて、伊勢市が独自に計測した2014年の年間比率は、両宮参りが参拝者全体の50%、内宮のみが全体の40%、外宮のみが10%だった。ならば今年の三が日は、両宮参りが24万人、内宮のみが19万2009人、外宮のみが4万8002人である。
※ Annual rate of 2014 by Ise City own measurement, by based the position data such as the mobile phones was a visit to both of "Naiku" and "Geku" is 50% of the total. only "Naiku" was 40%. only "Geku" was 10%. if it, in the case of this New Year, the both is 240,000 people. only "Naiku" is 192,009 people. only "Geku" is 48,002 people.
【2016年の展望 (全長版)】Prospects for 2016 (The full version)
I've always hope the progress of international tourism. nevertheless, I if report this fact, it may seem like not consistent. however I think must be honest for the next generation's profit. So, was decided to write dare. upon obtaining the approval of the Japan Tourism Agency, I was announcement also in the Tourism Statistics Forum of EU and OECD. because Ignorance and indifference will interfere with the Progress.
政府の2016年度予算案で、この補助政策は60億円の削減となった。 2015年比で三分の一削減の120億円である。耐震改修工事が進まないからだ。
First, it's seismic retrofitting problem of ryokans and hotels.
Budget of this aid has been reduced 6 billion JPY on the fiscal 2016 budget of the government. it is a 12 billion JPY of reduction of one third in the 2015 ratio. the reason is because the seismic repair work does not progress.
The target of Seismic Retrofitting Promotion Act is 1981 construction previous, total floor area 5000 square meters or more, a building that exceeds the third floor. in nationwide about 600 ryokans and hotels is the target. its refurbishment cost is expensive in 200 million-300 million JPY per hotels. the subsidy of the country is 11.5 percent and the self-pay is 88.5 percent. its load is too large for the many Japanese hotels. for this reason, the close of business in the March on "Shirahama Seaside Hotel" and "Hotel Koganoi" in Nanki Shirahama has been reported.
It is a promotion of the selection by the country. since the domestic market has been shrinking, because the competitiveness defunct hotel does not need. According to demographic estimates of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the births of Japanese of 2015 is 1.008 million people. on the other hand, the deaths is 1.302 million people. the natural decrease due to declining birthrate and aging population was the largest since the 1899.
There are 22 hotels that oblige the diagnose also to Mie Prefecture. it will be attention after of the G7(8) Summit.
UNSCEAR 2000 REPORT Vol. II によると、1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故による、ロシア、ウクライナ、ベラルーシの14歳以下の子供の甲状腺癌の症例数は、事故発生の五年目から急増した。1989年比で、1990年は3.625倍、1991年は5.31倍、1992年は7倍、1993年は8.25倍だ。それが徐々に減り始めたのは、事故から10年目の1996年からである。おそらく2020年の東京五輪は、増加中の開催になるだろう。心筋梗塞も気がかりだ。
Another is, the radioactive contamination problem.
Four years left until the Tokyo Olympics. but, health damage after the Fukushima nuclear accident is also becoming increasingly clear. it is the data of similar to children thyroid cancer in Chernobyl after four years from the accident.
However, Japanese medias is very reluctant. even if rare reported, objections have been shown. That is, it's that please think examine yourself.
About the thyroid inspection by Fukushima prefecture of the children Under 18 years at the time on the accident, According to the Wall Street Journal of November 30, 2015, the thyroid cancer in the inspection of the second round has reported that became 15 people. In the first round of inspection of up to March 2014, it has already 100 people of thyroid cancer is confirmed. It is clearly increasing. moreover, it does not include the suspicion case.
According to the "UNSCEAR 2000 REPORT vol II", it the number of cases of thyroid cancer in children under 14 years of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, has increased suddenly from the fifth year of 1986 of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. it is a 1989 ratio, 1990 3.625 times. 1991 5.31 times. 1992 7 times. 1993 8.25 times. It has begun to decrease gradually from 1996 of the 10th year from the accident. Tokyo Olympic Games of 2020 will be probably held in the midst of the increasing. the myocardial infarction is also worried.
In this Olympics, there is also a possibility that the exposure timber will be used.
Forest area of Fukushima prefecture are about 970,000 hectares. wood is the biggest regional resources of prefecture. So established a business company for the new building material CLT (orthogonal assembly plate) of promote the use of using the wood, toward the related facilities development of the Tokyo Olympics, and is poised to supply the Fukushima Prefecture building materials.
But, According to the Fukushima Minpo of December 29, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, has announced a policy that does not perform decontamination of distant forest more than in 20 meters (21.872 yards) from the human's living area.
This means that, the elimination of import control measures of other countries and regions, would be later than the tariff elimination of TPP.
And third is, the balance of payments.
The foreign trade many Japanese are thinking, is the import and export of goods or materials, parts. don't know almost that International tourism is also the same.
However, it can be understood by comparing the last year's Trade balance and Travel balance. the Trade balance is 857,200,000,000 JPY deficit in the total of the January-October. the Travel balance is 481,200,000,000 JPY surplus. already it has become difference of 1.3384 trillion JPY. the Explosive shopping is despite being included in the trade balance As a product export. the Travel balance is acquisition of foreign currency than the Trade balance.
Namely, in Japan's political and business community seems not to want to admit yet, but Japan is not already trade superpower. it has been reached the stage of promotion of trade in services, like on France or United States of the half century ago. Inbound's the same as export.
This becomes that we need the major turning of common sense. this year is such a year.
【 Wi-Fi環境 】Wi-Fi environment (1/9夕刊三重掲載の原文 Original the Evening paper Mie January 9 posts)
Japanese grammar is unique. this is one of the obstacle to conversation with foreigners.
However, innovation is remarkable. Simultaneous translation function due to smart phones and mobile phones, have become a practical level if a simple conversation about. it would be convenient also for foreign tourists.
However, there are still limits to the spread of free Wi-Fi in the regions. this free radio relay equipment is limited use range. therefore, weak location of radio waves will be dysfunctional. In such a thing is a treasure that is useless.
According to the Evening Edition Mie of January 5, seems to want to attract actively inbound, also the Matsusaka mayor in the wake of the Summit. if it, installation of equipment of Wi-Fi in the vicinity of cultural tourism contents by the authorities has been desire.
【DMOのM (全長版)】The M of the DMO (The full version)
その観光庁の新年度予算は、 142億円の要求額から200億円へとかなり増えた。だが、それは遊休マンション再活用の施策(民泊)を推進する為である。はて、基本的にその仕事は国土交通省内の旧建設省ではないのか?
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have developed a settlement application for smartphone, for inbound consumption will be increase. the start of the demonstration experiment from April. this practical use has been to until in 2020 of Tokyo Olympics. Of course, its a prerequisite is the Wi-Fi environments.
This application the register a nationality, gender, the hotel for stay, as attribute information in advance. and, recording the passport number, credit card number, performs the settlement based on this. it will be carried out delivery of product to the hotel, and introduce also restaurant that are friendly to religion. the information of consumer behavior of this user will shared to the credit card companies and hotels, department stores to harness in the marketing.
In short, it's the M of the DMO. the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's the Marketing / Management is that. however, data mining due to this, there is a problem to be solved. it was also in the one of agenda of the EU and the OECD 13th Tourism Statistics Forum. that is, the protection of privacy.
By the way, the Work of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry should it was a data-driven marketing. essentially the data-collection is not the Work of the Japan Tourism Agency?
The new fiscal year budget of the Japan Tourism Agency increase comparatively than the requested amount, from 14.2 billion JPY to 20 billion JPY. but, it in order to promote the the measures of reuse of the high-rise apartment in the idle state. it's incomprehensible. essentially that Work is not in the former the Construction Ministry in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport?
It's a very incongruous.
I think need the ministry for the tourism independent, as in other countries. in order to obtain consistency.
ユーロスタットとは欧州連合(EU)の統計局(Statistical Office of the European Union)のことで、 ルクセンブルクに事務局を置く欧州委員会の部局の一つ。諸国間や地域間で比較検討できるように、各国統計局の4,600を超えるデータベースと約12億件のデータを共通基準化して管理、提供している。
There need objective and reliable statistics, for decision-making of policy planners, or in order to know whether was correct is this policy for citizens and medias. and essential also for DMO's "M".
For that, has provide a high-quality statistical information in to EU. that is Eurostat.
The Eurostat is that the Statistical Office of the European Union. the secretariat is Luxembourg, one of the department of the European Commission. it Issue manage the 4600 or more databases of the statistics bureaus of the EU countries, and about 1.2 billion datas, by providing a common reference for to be able to compare among countries and regions.
Statistics here are creating are classified into nine themes. it is "General and regional statistics","Economy and finance","Population and social conditions","Industry, trade and services","Agriculture and fisheries","International trade","Transport","Environment and energy","Science and technology". it have summarized also in each the sub-theme in detail. ⇨
Also, with regard to the use of the big data, developed action plan and the process table in the autumn last year. current is promoting the first stage test using big data such as mobile data and social media. in addition, online application "Census hub" that can be easily access from the Eurostat web site to statistical information also began the operation from last year.
In short, t this is an advanced example of democratic countries that does not allow political intervention.
By the way, Eurostat has cooperation work with such as, EU accession candidate countries, OECD, IMF.
I was invited, "the 13th Tourism Statistics Forum" also was a joint host with the OECD.

【サミット弁当】 Bento for Summit
伊勢志摩サミット三重県民会議は、 警備や消防、医療スタッフのサミット弁当を手掛ける事業体を、コンビニ業界首位のセブンイレブンと二位のローソンに決めた。
Ise-Shima Summit Mie Residents Meeting has decided the business to the engage in the "Summit-bento" for Security, Fire-fighting, Medical staff on the Summit. it is Seven-Eleven of the convenience store industry leader. and also Lawson of the industry second.
It's the same as the time of the Toyako Summit.
The expected number is 650,000 meals. price is 1700 JPY with three meals and drinks. in other words, 566 JPY in the average one meal with one drink. it can be said that it's special demand of about 368,000,000 JPY.
However, current is the era of the progression of inflation. it's difficult regional Bento factory will take benefit. because is not have the factory for cooking and the distribution system supporting the stores various. also, will not be able to sell the same Bento in Tokyo's 23 wards as in the time of the Toyako Summit.
That selection conditions was should be in the prefecture's company, but it seems possible to approval if there is one or two of the factory.
The economic ripple effect to region, I think to extremely questionable.
【諸外国・地域の規制措置2016.0109】Regulatory measures of other countries and regions 2016.0109
[福島][茨城][栃木][群馬][千葉] 野菜・果実、牛乳、乳飲料、粉ミルク
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on January 7 announced that the EU from January 9 to relax import restrictions. this is what the EU has imposed on Japanese food after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
First, Aomori, Saitama is excluded from the regulatory domain. and from Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Chiba, of rice, soybean, soba was deviated from the inspect object. Also Fukushima's vegetables and fruit, livestock products, soba, tea was also deviated from the inspect object. but persimmon, rice, soybean, mushroom, edible wild plants such, submission obligation of inspection certificate of seafoods are continuing need.
Inasmuch, is there a country that has taken a still strict measures.
This is excerpt of the import ban (or stop) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries's the "Regulatory measures of other countries and regions". although Japanese medias have been silent, the date is January 9 this year. with this, it will be understood careful country for radioactive contamination.
It's are roughly three types. that one, the concerns to the limited products. and, the concerns to the natural environment itself. Furthermore, it's a political strategy.
For example, in the USA is concerned about the natural environment that has not been decontaminated definitely. I wonder if this fact did not become a problem in TPP negotiations?
In addition, China and South Korea regulations are particularly severe but its detection technology is excellent than the other countries?
Please explain its the scientific basis. as can be understand in Japanese people.
◆ South Korea's import ban January 9 current
spinach, oysters of such stock, plum, citron, chestnut, kiwi fruit, soybeans, red beans, rice, raw milk, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, taranome, ostrich fern, koshiabura, zenmai, wasabi, bracken, udo, sand lance , trout, dace, ayu, char, carp, crucian carp, rock trout, flounder, red sole, stone flounder, usumebaru, surfperch, mushigarei, fox rockfish, black tonguefish, rockfish, black sea bream, sea raven, komonkasube, masu salmon, shiromebaru, Alaska pollock, sea bass, weakfish , starry flounder, slime flounder, higanfugu, flounder, gurnard, spotted halibut, conger myriaster, marbled sole, marbled sole, flathead, Pacific cod, murasoi, ridged-eye flounder, binosugai, sea urchins, saburo ezo iso greenling, matsukawa, nagadzuka, smooth dogfish, eel, shousaifugu, halfbeak, feed
spinach, kakina, tea, mushrooms, trout, char, feed
spinach, kakina, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ostrich fern, sansho, koshiabura, tea, taranome, zenmai, bracken, chestnut, dace, trout, salmon, feed
spinach, oysters of like, parsley, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, koshiabura, tea, raw milk, rockfish, sea bass, croaker, flounder, catfish, carp, eel, komonkasube, stone flounder, cod, feed
mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ostrich fern, taranome, koshiabura, zenmai, soba, soybean, rice, perch, dace, trout, cod, higanfugu, char, flounder, black sea bream, ayu
spinach, oysters of like, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tea, ginfuna
mushrooms, koshiabura, zenmai, bracken, parsley, bamboo shoots, soba, soybean, pacific cod, char, dace, perch, black sea bream
mushrooms, koshiabura
mushrooms, Madara
◆ China's import ban January 9 current
[Miyagi] [Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Saitama] [Chiba] [Tokyo] [Niigata] [Nagano] all of the food, feed
◆ Brunei's (British Commonwealth) import ban January 9 current
meats, seafood, milk and dairy products
◆ Nouvelle-Calédonie's (Territoire français) l'interdiction d'importer Octobre 23 courant
[Miyagi] [Yamagata] [Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Saitama] [Chiba] [Tokyo] [Niigata] [Yamanashi] [Nagano] all of the food, feed
◆ Lebanon's import ban January 9 current
[Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Chiba] [Kanagawa] Shipping restrictions items
◆ Singapore's import ban January 9 current
[Fukushima] prefecture the whole area of forest products, marine products
Minamisoma, Kawamata Town, naraha, Tomioka, Kawauchi village, Okuma-machi, Futaba-cho, Namie, katsurao, Iitate village, all food and agricultural products
◆ Hong Kong's import ban January 9 current
[Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Chiba] vegetables, fruit, milk, milk beverages, milk powder
◆ Macao's of the import ban January 9 current
Vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meats and processed meat products, eggs, aquatic products, processed marine products
[Miyagi] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Saitama] [Chiba] [Tokyo] [Niigata] [Nagano] vegetables, fruits, dairy products
◆ Taiwan's import ban January 9 current
[Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Tochigi] [Gunma] [Chiba] all food (excluding alcoholic beverages)
◆ Philippine's import ban January 9 current
salmon, sand eel, dace, ayu
◆ Запрет российского импорта в января 9 тока
[Iwate] [Miyagi] [Yamagata] [Fukushima] [Ibaraki] [Chiba] [Niigata] to facilities's whereabouts of aquatic products and processed marine products.
◆ USA's import ban January 9 current
wild mushrooms
bamboo shoots, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), (excluding farming) wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, wild parsley, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, bracken, black sea bream, sea bass, trout, bear of meat, bovine meat, deer meat, copper pheasant meat
mainspring, bamboo shoots, (wild) koshiabura, (wild) taranome, ostrich fern, rice, raw wood shiitake (open culture), (excluding farming) wild mushrooms, soy, ayu, trout (excluding farming), black sea bream, dace, perch, char (excluding farming), bovine meat, bear meat, wild boar meat
bear meat
raw milk, wild taranome, red beans, bamboo shoots, non-heads of leaf vegetables (brassica campestris, garland chrysanthemum, bok choy, mizuna, lettuce, spinach, and other non-heading of leaf vegetables), heads of leafy vegetables (cabbage, Chinese cabbage, lettuce), brassicaceae flower bud compounds (broccoli, cauliflower), endive, escarole, chard, collards), chestnut, wild fukinoto, mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, kiwi fruit, raw wood shiitake, wood nameko (open culture), mushrooms, ostrich fern, bracken, rice, (excluding farming) soybean, turnip, plum, butterbur, uwabamisou, citron, rockfish, ayu, (except the fry) greenling, red sole, sand lance, stone flounder, usumebaru, surfperch, ezo iso greenling, fox rockfish, (I except for aquaculture) black tonguefish, rockfish, black sea bream, komonkasube, saburo shousaifugu, shiromebaru, walleye, perch, nagatsuka, starry flounder, slime flounder, higanfugu, flounder, spotted halibut, conger myriaster, marbled sole, flathead, mat
sukawa, mushigarei, murasoi, binosugai, yamame (excluding farming) dace, eel, char, (excluding farming) carp, meat of bear, bovine meat, wild boar meat, copper pheasant meat, pheasant meat, meat of hares, spot-billed duck meat
raw wood shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wild koshiabura, suzuki, eel, shiromebaru, komonkasube, (excluding farming) American catfish, stone flounder, wild boar meat
wild taranome, bamboo shoots, chestnuts, wild pepper, wild of the mainspring, (wild) koshiabura, wild bracken, wild ostrich fern, wood hypholoma sublateritium (open culture), wood mushrooms, wood nameko (open culture), wild mushrooms, bovine meat, wild boar meat, deer meat
wild mushrooms, trout (excluding farming), char (excluding farming), the meat of bear, wild boar meat, meat of copper pheasant, deer meat
wild mushrooms
shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carp, carassius auratus langsdorfii, eel, wild boar meat
bear meat
wild mushrooms
wild mushrooms, koshiabura
wild mushrooms
【11月の経常収支】 November's Current Account Balance
The Daihakkai, is that of a special event of the first trading day of the years of the Stock Exchange. the average share price of this day was rising every years as the celebration prize rate. but, it was different this year. since January 4 the Nikkei average is trend of decreasing. the range of drop on six business day was over 1800 JPY (about 211,000 USD).
Japanese authorities are to blame that is under the influence of the Chinese market turmoil. however, it is no exaggeration to say was ratified the reduction of Japan's trade force, because there is no noticeable activity results other than the automobile and chemical raw materials.
January 12 after the holidays. this day was also November's the Current Account Balance announcement date. but, the NHK morning News's coverage, it was only that it is still in surplus in a continuous 17 months. apparently, the publication of its contents seems not good for Japan Federation of Economic Organizations. Tokyo Shimbun / Chunichi Shimbun morning edition also was to cancel the report, following last month.
It is this. the following is the contents of the Current Account Balance of from January to November on 2015.
Chunichi Shimbun morning edition also was to cancel the report, following last month.
It is this. the following is the contents of the Current Account Balance of from January to November on 2015.
As you see, the cumulative deficit in the Trade Balance is 752.7 billion JPY, but the Travel Balance is cumulative surplus of 955.7 billion JPY. with this the annual total of Travel Balance would be exceed 1 trillion JPY in December.
[経常収支]Current Account Balance
Jan. 61,400,000,000 JPY
Feb. 1,440,100,000,000 JPY
Mar. 2,735,300,000,000 JPY
Apr. 1,326,400,000,000 JPY
May 1,880,900,000,000 JPY
Jun. 558,600,000,000 JPY
Jul. 1,808,600,000,000 JPY
Aug. 1,653,100,000,000 JPY
Sep. 1,468,400,000,000 JPY
Oct. 1,458,400,000,000 JPY
Nov. 1,143,500,000,000 JPY
[経常収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Current Account Balance
○貿易収支 Trade
Jan. ▲864,200,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲143,100,000,000 JPY
Mar. 671,400,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲146,200,000,000 JPY
May ▲ 47,300,000,000 JPY
Jun. 102,600,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲108,000,000,000 JPY
Aug. ▲326,100,000,000 JPY
Sep. 82,300,000,000 JPY
Oct. 200,200,000,000 JPY
Nov. ▲271,500,000,000 JPY
○サービス収支 Services
Jan. ▲401,300,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲108,700,000,000 JPY
Mar. 167,800,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲524,500,000,000 JPY
May 103,700,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲171,400,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲183,600,000,000 JPY
Aug. 57,800,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲45,200,000,000 JPY
Oct. ▲337,300,000,000 JPY
Nov. 615,000,000,000 JPY
○第一次所得収支 Primary Income
Jan. 1,412,900,000,000 JPY
Feb. 1,862,200,000,000 JPY
Mar. 2,326,500,000,000 JPY
Apr. 2,197,100,000,000 JPY
May 2,013,000,000,000 JPY
Jun. 656,900,000,000 JPY
Jul. 2,231,200,000,000 JPY
Aug. 2,051,800,000,000 JPY
Sep. 1,669,400,000,000 JPY
Oct. 1,731,500,000,000 JPY
Nov. 1,542,300,000,000 JPY
○第二次所得収支 Secondary Income
Jan. ▲86,100,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲170,200,000,000 JPY
Mar. ▲370,400,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲200,100,000,000 JPY
May ▲188,500,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲29,600,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲130,900,000,000 JPY
Aug. ▲130,500,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲238,000,000,000,JPY
Oct. ▲136,000,000,000 JPY
Nov. ▲188,900,000,000 JPY
[サービス収支の内訳]Breakdown of the Service Balance
○トランスポート Transport
Jan. ▲48,600,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲53,200,000,000 JPY
Mar. ▲50,000,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲47,300,000,000 JPY
May ▲54,600,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲45,300,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲74,300,000,000 JPY
Aug. ▲65,800,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲57,200,000,000 JPY
Oct. ▲67,400,000,000 JPY
Nov. ▲60,400,000,000 JPY
○トラベル Travel
Jan. 26,300,000,000 JPY
Feb. 63,300,000,000 JPY
Mar. 51,800,000,000 JPY
Apr. 133,400,000,000 JPY
May 103,100,000,000 JPY
Jun. 104,400,000,000 JPY
Jul. 129,500,000,000 JPY
Aug. 78,200,000,000 JPY
Sep. 56,500,000,000 JPY
Oct. 110,700,000,000 JPY
Nov. 98,500,000,000 JPY
○その他サービス Other Services
Jan. ▲379,000,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲118,700,000,000 JPY
Mar. 166,000,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲610,500,000,000 JPY
May 55,200,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲230,500,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲238,800,000,000 JPY
Aug. 45,500,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲44,600,000,000 JPY
Oct. ▲38,060,000,000 JPY
Nov. 23,400,000,000 JPY
[トランスポートの内訳]Breakdown of the Transport
○海上旅客 Sea Pasenger
Jan. ▲200,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲300,000,000 JPY
Mar. ▲400,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲700,000,000 JPY
May ▲800,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲600,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲300,000,000 JPY
Aug. ▲500,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲400,000,000 JPY
Oct. ▲500,000,000 JPY
Nov. ▲500,000,000 JPY
○海上貨物 Sea Freight
Jan. 60,900,000,000 JPY
Feb. 54,500,000,000 JPY
Mar. 74,300,000,000 JPY
Apr. 66,800,000,000 JPY
May 54,800,000,000 JPY
Jun. 70,100,000,000 JPY
Jul. 53,400,000,000 JPY
Aug. 61,300,000,000 JPY
Sep. 68,100,000,000 JPY
Oct. 48,400,000,000 JPY
Nov. 45,200,000,000 JPY
○航空旅客 Air Passenger
Jan. ▲43,600,000,000 JPY
Feb. ▲49,800,000,000 JPY
Mar. ▲60,700,000,000 JPY
Apr. ▲45,400,000,000 JPY
May ▲42,800,000,000 JPY
Jun. ▲51,500,000,000 JPY
Jul. ▲54,800,000,000 JPY
Aug. ▲54,300,000,000 JPY
Sep. ▲57,600,000,000 JPY
Oct. ▲44,100,000,000 JPY
Nov. ▲44,500,000,000 JPY
○航空貨物 Air Freight
Jan. 6,700,000,000 JPY
Feb. 6,800,000,000 JPY
Mar. 6,100,000,000 JPY
Apr. 6,200,000,000 JPY
May 5,800,000,000 JPY
Jun. 6,800,000,000 JPY
Jul. 6,100,000,000 JPY
Aug. 5,100,000,000 JPY
Sep. 5,100,000,000 JPY
Oct. 5,000,000,000 JPY
Nov. 3,700,000,000 JPY
【大津波が来る前に】Before the big tidal wave come
According to the Bloomberg of January 21, the United Kingdom of prestigious the Barclays, reduce about 230 people along with the business contraction of Asia Pacific Ocean, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, plans to withdraw. And from also Japan's cash equities business it will reduced 80 people for withdrew.
Barclays, withdraw trading of all of the actual stock research of Asia, and sales, convertible bonds trading business. In equity research, immediately will stop the stock cover that are listed in Asia.
China and Japan's markets is the before of the current big bubble collapse. and, AI of HFT which does not allow wishful thinking. if it look a deviation from this significant real economy, it would be probably a foregone logical consequence.
Japan is necessary to rush the international tourism superpower, like as France or United States.
【インバウンド/アウトバウンド 2015】Inbound/Outbound 2015
According to the JNTO estimates that had published in January 19, December's Inbound was 1.7731 million people. Outbound was 1.3465 million people. Both are also provisional value (the real number will be a little less).
The following is from January to December. Total of the Inbound is 19,737,400 people. total of the Outbound is 16,212,100 people (the provisional value of October was converted to the Definite value). the inbound was exceeds the outbound, for the first time in 45 years since 1970.
But, the total of the gap in 45 years, has been also to a 293,880,233 people of minus. assuming the average expenditure about 250,000 JPY per person, it was an imbalance of about 73 trillion JPY.
Jan.1218393 1235612
Feb.1386982 1257154
Mar.1525879 1534026
Apr.1764691 1144833
May 1641734 1262103
Jun.1602198 1190806
Jul.1918356 1309957
Aug.1817023 1653622
Sep.1612208 1525777
Oct.1829265 1412466
Nov.1647600※ 1339246※
Dec.1773100※ 1346500※
(※は暫定値である。 ※ is a provisional value.)
【無知と無関心の結果】Result of ignorance and indifference
Below is a graph of the past of Japan's inbound and outbound. it Gap in 45 years, become negative 293,880,233 people, surprisingly.
That imbalance, if estimate the expenditure an Japanese tourists as the 250,000 JPY per capita is about 73 trillion JPY, and 45-year average will be in fact that was a minus of about 1.62 trillion JPY. one trillion JPY or more the Travel balance is still not enough.
JTB Research Institute, has the view that this imbalance was keeping the balance with the Trade balance, although I wrote also to No.88.
Nevertheless, major travel industries has been survived by increasing significantly the handling of overseas travel. just from this time, because was decrease in group travel by personalization of the journey, and the increase in direct booking which does not pass through the travel agency.
However, tourist destination of the regions could not be that way.
This is, the overview of the mechanism of the decline of domestic tourist destination and Ryokans, from before the population begins to decrease. it has nothing to do with the economic boom or recession. please look at the unprecedented overseas travel boom after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
But, a lot of medias in Japan is not touch this thing absolutely. because it doesn't want to lose advertising revenue of billion JPY units in year.
Copyright (C) 2015 O.H.M.S.S. All rights reserved.
O.H.M.S.S.(Ohuda Higashi-kishu Matsusaka-area Sightseeing Support) Shigeki Imura
The World Newspaper Association is my Google+'s follower. thank you very much.
"About the involvement of the tourism industry with regional development"